Facts About Fire Ants
- The southern U.S. is a paradise for fire ants, who left all their natural enemies behind in South America.
- Fire ants are now prevalent throughout the Southwest and Southeast United States.
- One fire ant mound can be home for upto 500,000 (half a million) stinging red ants.
- More than 20 million people are stung by fire ants each year.
- In fire ant areas, more children are stung by fire ants than by all other insects combined.
- Fire ants latch onto your flesh with barbed mandibles, double over their abdomens and inject their stingers, which contain a toxin known as alkaloid venom.
- Fire Ant Coolant® contains the maximum over-the-counter dosage of lidocaine, the same ingredient that hospitals use to treat burn patients.
- Fire Ant Coolant® has been proven to end the pain and itch of fire ant bites within minutes of application—and greatly reduce the risk of subsequent pustules or blisters.